Thursday, February 11, 2010



At this present moment, I'm sitting on my thinking couch. I love my thinking couch. It's where I think. 

Besides, without it, when would I ever take the time to just pause once in a while? To just reflect..? I'd most likely end up getting swept away by all the things that fill my week, never pausing for air. But in truth, I need that air, and I need a space in my week, in my day even, where I can simply be still.

Can it be any different with God? I've shared here a few times on the pitfalls of striving to do many (albeit good and kingdom-advancing) endeavours, while leaving God out of the picture. Remember Galatians 3:3 - "After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?"

But God counsels us to abide in Him. That is, to take up permanent residency in his presence, to move in. To live with Him. To spend time with Him for the sake of simply spending time with Him. For after all, "I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man abides in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit". (John 15:5).

Who here has not been guilty of praying only to meet your own need or desire? I know I have. It's only too easy to slip into that pattern. But how much more will God bless those who take the time to simply abide in his perfect presence! John 15:7 has the answer: "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."

We need to be cognisant of the fact that God is the supreme orchestrator of our lives. When our ministry bears fruit, it's not we who created it, but God. It is always God who brings the fruit, always. So to leave Him out of the picture is ludicrous! And the reward is unmistakable. Find space for God in your day; wait to hear from him directly; don't try to push your own agenda or meet your own need, but just wait for Him - and you will be powerfully changed. 

Just imagine how your walk would be, if the thing you valued most in life was that time you spent with God each day...


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree it is great to abide in Christ, and absolutely necessary to do so. How difficult it is to know what that really means. Does it just mean sitting and thinking about God.................or reading his word.................or being in prayer? I find it is all to easy to slip off into thinking about everything but God if I just sit for too long in contemplation. It is my firm conviction that reading God's Word is the most effective way, for me, of abiding. Reading, then thinking about what I have read. Not just a verse or two, but great chunks! Putting those chunks into context, thinking about how they relate to other parts of the Bible, then spending time thinking about what effect what should be done in response to what was should this change the way I think. To me (and all at Moore College!!) just taking a verse or two to back up a particular issue, or favourite topic, is just proof texting, and leads to a shallow understanding of the whole of God's Word. Not that I am suggesting that you have done this in your blogs, but it is something that needs to be considered.

    God's Word is massive. From Creation to New Creation if you like. The whole sweep of history and no part can be dismissed when tackling the preaching of this word. If, no when, you start the PTC courses (which I am sure won't be deep enough for you, however they are a start), you will see this unfolding. I do hope and pray that you will decide one day to do the whole of the BD or BTh course, to enhance your knowledge and lead you to a deeper and fuller relationship with the Lord Jesus, for that is what really, really matters.

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Love Grandma xxxx
